Adverse Media Check

The Adverse Media Check enables employers to quickly search a vast array of media sources for articles linking their candidate to serious crime such as fraud, terrorism and drug trafficking.

The Adverse Media Check utilises a state of the art system which searches over 12,000 media sources globally, highlighting possible incidents in your candidate’s past which pose reputational risk to your organisation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What type of media searches are searched?

Over 12,000 media sources are searched spanning international, national and local newspapers, business newspapers, trade, business and academic journals plus corporate news releases and newswires. The archive stretches back to 1971 for some publications.

2. What information is returned when a match is made?

The data returned will include: the publication name, publication date, article extract covering the key details and reference to your candidate. Any age/DOB and address information will be returned if present.

3. Does the Adverse Media Check search social media?

No. The system does not search social media sources such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Only articles published within the media sources defined above in connection with serious crime are searched.

completion time:


sample report:

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1 day


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Registered and Trading Address:

1st Floor, 1 City Approach, Albert Street, Eccles, Manchester, M30 0BG
Registered in England: 6872627, Data Protection Act Registration: Z1860832, VAT Registration: 130 2425 68

© Know your candidate Ltd. 2018




The Adverse Media Check enables employers to quickly search a vast array of media sources for articles linking their candidate to serious crime such as fraud, terrorism and drug trafficking.


The Adverse Media Check utilises a state of the art system which searches over 12,000 media sources globally, highlighting possible incidents in your candidate’s past which pose reputational risk to your organisation.